featured image - best booking sites

What Are the Best Hotel Booking Sites in 2024?

Whether you have a spare room in your home, want to fill an apartment, or you’re the owner of a new hotel — whatever the case may be, you’ll want to advertise your property on an Online Travel Agency (OTA), wholesaler or a metasearch channel.

What Is a Boutique Hotel?

A boutique hotel is a type of hotel that exudes a small, intimate and quaint atmosphere. It usually has less than 100 rooms and offers customised


RaccoonPay: A Hotel Payment Processing Guide

Hotels and other accommodation businesses deal with payments every day. But, unlike most businesses, hotels face unique challenges when it comes to getting paid. For example,

Recap 2023: RoomRaccoon Product Milestones

The hospitality industry is constantly changing, and we’re right there with you, innovating to keep up with today’s guests’ ever-evolving expectations. The product team at RoomRaccoon