RaccoonPay Card Machine for Hotels

Initiate card-present payments from the guest reservation with the integrated RaccoonPay Card Machine for hotels.

Let your guests tap, insert, and swipe for a seamless experience that’s error-free!

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Make the Right Connections

The RaccoonPay Card Machine is the perfect way to complete your RaccoonPay experience. With fully automated card-present transactions, you'll benefit from quicker payments, reliable reporting, and satisfied guests.

Save time & eliminate miskeying errors with payment automation.

Provide a connected guest experience with integrated tools.

Remove the friction of payouts from different payment providers.

View the transaction breakdown in the Payments module.

Take Card Present Payments With a Modern RaccoonPay Card Reader

The card reader has a sleek design and is perfect for any front desk counter. It is PCI-compliant, offering real-time updates, customization, and a large touchscreen for ease of use.

£43.00 per month

FAQ: RaccoonPay Card Machine

1Which payment methods are supported with RaccoonPay Terminals?
The RaccoonPay card payment machine for hotels accepts major credit cards, debit cards, and digital wallets (Samsung Pay and Apple Pay).

Note: Digital wallets must be activated per request.
2Can I integrate my existing terminal with RaccoonPay?
Only card machines leased by RoomRaccoon can be fully integrated and used within the RoomRaccoon system. Payment transactions are automatically available within the Payments module.
3What's included in the price?
There is no upfront or deposit fee. The monthly fee you pay for a RaccoonPay Card Machine covers:

  • Shipping
  • Integration to RoomRaccoon
  • Hardware warranty and replacement service
Minimum commitment of 12 months.